Helpful Q&A

Frequently Asked Questions about the DICE ID Skill Credential System

What does DICE ID stand for?

Decentralized identity & credential exchange ID

How is this technology different from the DIDs that are already in the market?

We built DICE ID to create trust ecosystems that help organizations to simplify their security models, and hence create new revenue streams and reduce costs. With the growing use of verifiable credentials in various industries, such as government, healthcare, finance, education etc., we aim to manifold such trust ecosystems to blossom on DICE ID catering to various use cases across industries.

How will clients and users benefit from DICE ID?

Decentralized identity is a way for people to have control over their own personal information and prove their identity without relying on a central authority. Verifiable credentials are digital documents that can be used to prove who you are or what you are capable of. Using both together allows for a more secure and efficient way to confirm a person's identity online.

How is this product different from a digital wallet?

Digital wallets provide storage of public-private key pairs only whereas DICE ID enables users to obtain verifiable credentials from different sources and selectively disclose their data with 3rd party verifiers to prove their identity. The credential exchange is secured through cryptography and each step validated against the source of truth on blockchain.

How does decentralized ID work?

Decentralized identity is an emerging concept that gives back control of identity to consumers with an identity wallet in which they collect verified information about themselves from certified issuers and present it as proof of their identity to 3rd party service providers.

Did you have to clear any regulatory approvals before bringing the product to market?

No regulatory approvals were taken as this product is meant to protect the privacy of end user and provide enhanced security for managing their identity.

How does the user’s information get verified automatically?

User opts to present their ID proof, which is a machine-readable credential that gets verified against blockchain without any integration or intervention required by the identity issuer.

Why would organizations need this solution? What’s the business benefit? Which industries stand to benefit the most?

Verifiable credentials are digital representations of claims about an individual or an entity that can be cryptographically verified by anyone. The need for this came from the need to establish trust and identity in digital transactions using a privacy respecting method, where it is not possible to rely on availability of issuer for verification. We built DICE ID to create trust ecosystems that help organizations to simplify their security models, and hence create new revenue streams and reduce costs. With the growing use of verifiable credentials in various industries, such as government, healthcare, finance, education etc., we aim to manifold such trust ecosystems to blossom on DICE ID catering to various use cases across industries.

How do you ensure privacy, security?

DICE ID features like selective disclosure and private DID (decentralized identifiers) for users ensures that privacy of the identity holder is preserved. Each stakeholder interaction is secured through encryption and credentials created/verified using cryptographic proof against the source of truth on blockchain.

What are some of the potential use cases for DICE ID?

User onboarding & authentication, KYC and consent, Pseudonymous ID, verifiable documents, skills credential & professional certificates, device certification.

In terms of data storage, how can we trust the reliability of DICE ID?

DICE ID is a reliable platform as it uses blockchain technology, cryptography, and a distributed network to secure data. This makes it very difficult for hackers to access or modify data stored on the platform. In addition, DICE ID gives users control over their personal data and uses a variety of security measures to protect data. We also provide an option to opt-in or opt-out for storing credential data in DICE ID platform console to the onboarded organizations. If you chose to retain credential related data in DICE ID then it will be encrypted and stored in our databases.

How does DICE ID support data privacy-preserving mechanisms?

DICE ID supports data privacy-preserving mechanisms by using a combination of self-sovereign identity (SSI), W3C standards, and zero-knowledge proofs.

Is DICE ID planning to integrate with existing verification ecosystems?

Yes, DICE ID is planning to integrate with existing verification ecosystems.

In the future, will the entire verification process be conducted on DICE ID or only a part of it?

By integrating with other systems and services, DICE ID can be used to conduct a full skill credential verification process.

Is it possible to integrate DICE ID into a static website that lacks a server or a database?

No, it is not possible to integrate DICE ID into a static website that lacks a server or a database.

If an employee or student already has a DICE ID wallet, can they access our services without registering with our organization?

Once you have created a DICE ID integration for your website or application and configured it to allow users to access your services without registering, employees or students who already have a DICE ID wallet will be able to access your services by simply scanning a QR code or clicking on a link.

How does DICE ID assist at the executive level when the client performs the verification instead of the recruitment company?

DICE ID, a blockchain-based skill credentialing platform, assists executives when clients perform verification by providing time efficiency, trust and transparency, direct access to verified data, reduced reliance on intermediaries, enhanced security and privacy, access to a global talent pool, and a competitive edge in attracting top talent. Its tamper-proof, decentralized ledger ensures candidates' skill credentials are secure, enabling executives to make informed decisions while streamlining the hiring process and fostering a more direct relationship between the hiring organization and the candidates.

What happens in the scenario where a candidate uses DICE ID, but some components in their CV are not verified?

In the scenario where a candidate uses DICE ID but some components of their CV are not verified, the candidate's DICE ID profile will display a mix of verified and unverified information. Recruiters or executives would need to consider both aspects when evaluating the candidate, and additional verification or traditional background checks may be necessary for unverified components.

Is it possible to customize skill certificates through the DICE ID skill credential system?

Yes, it is possible to customize skill certificates through the DICE ID skill credential system.

What is the process for obtaining hardcopy certificates if we want to print them through the DICE ID system?

A PDF or JPEG file of the hard copy certificate will be generated from DICE ID wallet. You can save this file to your computer or print it out.

What is a transaction?

The issuance or verification of skill credential is called a transaction.

Why should I use DICE ID mobile app?

You can use DICE ID mobile application to obtain your credential which represents proof of your training completion / certification. DICE ID app on your phone is your identity wallet that can be used to manage different type of credentials.

How can users get skill credential certificate?

If you have completed your certification, then you will receive a mail from on your registered email. Please make sure to check your Clutter and Spam box also.

This email provides a step-by-step guide to obtain your credentials which contains your certificate. To summarize few simple steps are required:

  1. Download DICE ID app from google play store if you have an Android phone or from Apple app store if you have an iPhone.

  2. Scan the QR code provided in the email from your DICE ID app. If the QR code is not visible, then allow download of external images in your Outlook email.

  3. If you have opened your email on your phone, then please tap the button named “Open in DICE ID Wallet”.

  4. After scanning, please wait for processing to complete and the credential to be downloaded to DICE ID app. Once processing is complete the credentials details page will automatically open.

Last updated