Create Template

Steps to create email template which can be used for different events in the credential issuance and verification lifecycle.

On clicking Create Email Template you will be required to provide details on this screen

The following details need to be specified:

  • Template Name - the name of the email template

  • Template For - the event on which the email template should be used, which can be selected the standard list of events available in the drop-down. For e.g. "Onboard Customer" means the invitation email that is sent to end user / customer while issuing credentials

  • Email Subject - the Subject line of the email

  • Logo - the image of your company or organization that needs to included in the header of the email can be uploaded

  • Intro Title - the title text that needs to appear at the begining of the email e.g. "Warm Greetings " or "Dear User"

  • Intro Text - text explaining what the email is about and the purpose for issuing the credential

  • Outro Title - the title text at the end of the email e.g. "Congratulations"

  • Outro Text - the text at the end of the email to represent the outcome of following steps in the email

  • Signature - the signature of the email at the end

For customer onboarding email templates, one section comprising of 2 steps of downloading DICE ID mobile app from app store and scanning QR code will be mandatorily added so that the end user can following those steps to get the credential issued and downloaded in DICE ID app

Once all the fields are specified then the email template can be created. Once created it will be available in the Email Template list.

Last updated