Organization Users
Steps to manage the users who are part of your organization for onboarding and assigning them roles such as issuer, verifier etc.
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Steps to manage the users who are part of your organization for onboarding and assigning them roles such as issuer, verifier etc.
Last updated
Organizations users are the employees or contractors who work as part of your company and need to be provided access to DICE ID platform console to perform tasks related to credential issuance or verification. To begin with organization admin is the first user.
As an organization admin you can add more users to your organization by clicking on "Invite Org User". On the next screen specify the name and email of the user and map them to one or more roles as shown in example below.
Each user can be assigned one ore more roles such as:
Org Admin
Full access to all functionality of credential issuance and verification as well as managing organization profile, departments, users and templates
This role allows user to access to all credential issuance related functionality such as managing schema, onboarding customer, issuing credential in single or batch mode etc.
This role allows user to access all the verification related functionality such as onboarding users, managing verification templates etc.
This role will allow user to have read-only functionality to all the information of their organization and department without being able to take any action
Once the "Invite user" button is clicked the user will get an email with instructions to download DICE ID app and scan QR code to get the login credentials to DICE ID platform console UI.
The three dots available in the organization user's list provide the option of
Viewing details of the organization user and the roles assigned to them
Deleting the organization user will revoke access and remove all access for that user
Editing the organization user name and email as well as their roles