Batch Credential Issuance from DICE ID Console
Steps to issue multiple credentials to users / customers by uploading CSV file in the prescribed format.
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Steps to issue multiple credentials to users / customers by uploading CSV file in the prescribed format.
Last updated
DICE ID is a platform that helps onboarded organizations in issuing of credentials both in real-time and batch mode. If you are looking to issue credentials manually or without integrating with DICE ID APis then this functionality can be used. The steps required for batch issuance can be summarized as:
Schema Creation - this is a one-time setup required to define the attributes of a credential. Once a schema is created then any number of credentials can be issued based on that. For credentials that represent skill of an individual and should contain a certificate generated on DICE ID platform, Cred_URL attribute is mandatory.
Selecting Invitation mode - This need to be specified for each batch so that users can be sent an email or SMS on their registered mail id or phone number which will contain instructions to obtain credentials.
Provide Credential Data - This step involves populating of credential data for each user in a CSV template that will be contextual to the schema selected.
Check Batch Status - Since credential issuance is an asynchronous process and has dependency on user taking action so status of each credential issued will change.
The sections below will cover each of the above steps in detail.
Open in your browser and complete the signup and sign-in steps as described in Platform Console. Goto step 2 if this is already completed.
We will take example of a Skill based credential which represents course completion or skill assessment for an individual for which a certificate is also provided.
In DICE ID console UI navigate to Credentials --> Schemas page from the left hand menu. Click on Add Schema option on this screen.
On the Add Schema screen, enter the name of the credential, version number and attributes.
Since this schema is being created to represent the structure for a skill based credential and will contain a certificate, the "Schema used for Certificate Issuance?" should be selected, which will automatically add Cred_URL attribute. During credential issuance this attributed will get auto-populated with the link to the certificate generated from DICE ID platform.
The rest of attributes and data types will be:
Name - name of the individual who completed the course or assessment
Skill - name of the skill or course for which the individual got certified
Issued Date - the date on which the certificate was issued
Valid Till - the date till which this credential and certificate is valid.
dice_display_name - A user friendly name for the credential that will get displayed in DICE ID mobile app
Click on "Create Schema" at the bottom of the screen to submit so that the schema and corresponding credential definition gets created on blockchain. You should see a confirmation message and schema listed on the following screen.
Navigate to "Batch Issuance" from the left hand menu in Console UI and click on "Download Sample File".
Select the mode of invitation as Email or SMS. This selection will decide if email id or phone number is required in CSV
In the Auto Issuance section select the schema you created in previous step from the drop down. You can then click on "Download Sample File" to get the CSV required to be populated for batch issuance
Open the CSV and you should see the columns with the same attributes as that of the schema except for Email which is required because of the invitation mode selected
Valid Till
Populate the CSV with the required data and do not leave any field blank. For text fields mention "Not Applicable" and date fields "31-12-9999" if relevant data is not available.
Click on "Upload Data File" on the Batch Issuance page. Specify the same medium of invitation as the one selected while downloading the sample CSV.
You have the option of using the default email template or create your own own email template which is contextual to the use case for which credential is being issued.
Scroll down further to specify the schema based on which sample CSV was downloaded and data populated for credential issuance.
Since this credential is based on a Schema containing "Cred_URL" attribute that will contain the certificate URL so it is mandatory to select the Certificate Template. Detailed steps on how to create a certificate template are covered in Certificate Template
Lastly upload the CSV you populated with data in Step 3. Once the CSV file is selected from your local folder then you can click on Upload button
This will trigger the processing of the batch which comprises of several steps:
The fields in CSV will be matched with the ones in Schema and error will be reported if there is a mismatch
The data in the CSV will be validated as each row in CSV is processed.
For valid records in the CSV an email will be sent to each user with the steps to obtain credential.
Click on "Upload History" of the Batch Issuance page to check the status of the CSV uploaded for batch processing.
Depending on the validation and subsequent process of each row in the CSV the overall batch status can be "In Progress", "Partial Error", "Error" or "Completed". To obtain the detailed status of each records processed click on Download Log to obtain the detailed report in CSV format.
Data related errors (e.g. invalid email or invalid date) can be fixed and a CSV containing the fixed records can be uploaded as a separate batch. If the exact same CSV is uploaded again then you will be prompted to confirm before it gets processed again.
Please note that once you are done with development and testing then you should use DICE ID Production environment ( and use those details to issue credentials to your end users.