
Steps that cover how schema can be managed to specify the metadata for credentials

Schema represents the metadata or structure of the credential that you want to issue to your customers or users. The schema and corresponding credential definition gets stored on blockchain.

DICE ID platform provides ability to create multiple schemas to cater to different use cases. For e.g. you can define one schema for KYC credentials and another schema for Skill credentials. The number and type of attributes that can be specified in a schema is completely configurable.

On this screen you can view the schemas that have already been created for your organization or department along with the option of adding new schema.

Add Schema

For adding a schema you need to specify a unique combination of schema name and version.

  • Make the schema private - selecting this option will ensure that your schema is visible in your organization only. The advantage of keeping schema public is that it can be referred to by other organizations to setup verification of the credentials issued by you

  • Schema used for certificate issuance? - selecting this option will ensure that Cred_URL attribute is added to your schema. This attribute will be used to store the link to the certificate generated by DICE ID platform. To use this option you will be required to specify the certificate template. For more info please refer to Certificate Template

Add one or more attributes specifying the name which should not contain any spaces or special characters other than hyphen or underscore, and also specify the data type.

For each schema one attributed called "dice_display_name" will get mandatorily added. This attribute is a placeholder for specifying a user-friendly credential name that will get displayed in their identity wallet i.e. DICE ID mobile app installed on their phone.

Once you click on Create Schema you will be redirected to the previous screen and the new schema should be visible in the schema list.

Manage Schema

From the Schema list if you click on the name you will be redirected to the detailed page of the Schema which has the Edit and Delete options.

In the Edit mode you can specify a new version number and add or delete attributes. Each schema has a corresponding "Schema ID" and "Credential Definition ID" which will be required when using DICE ID APIs for integration.

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