Verification Template
Step by step guide on how to manage verification templates that can be used to request the credential holders for proof of their identity or capability
Verification Templates represent the list of attributes that need to be provided by the onboarded user / customer to prove who they are or what they are eligible for. The name of the attributes specified in the verification template should be an exact match with the name specified in the schema and credential. This is required so that the cryptographic validation can be done on the matching credential.
Add Verification Template
By clicking the "Add Verification Templates" you will be redirected to the template creation screen
The following fields need to be specified:
Name of the Verification Template
Version of the template
Redirect URLs - this is a list of full URLs which represent the web page to which redirection will be done to show the verification results. For e.g. https://<your-web-app-domain>:<your-port>/verification-callback.html.
CORS allow list - this is the list of URLs from which the verification request will be initiated to DICE ID verifier component. For e.g. https://<your-web-app-domain>:<your-port>
After specifying the name of the template and version a schema has to be selected. This schema can be an internal schema which is has been created for your organization only or it can be a public schema which created by some other issuer organization who is part of DICE ID network.
Selection of schema will provide you with one or more attributes that are part of the schema and can be selected for inclusion in the verification template.
After clicking on "Create Verification Template" you will receive a confirmation message and the template will be visible in the overview page.
View Template
The detailed page of the verification template can be reached by clicking on the the template name on the verifications overview screen. An example of the same is given below.
The name, version, redirect URLs, CORS allow list and attributes of the verification template are visible and can be modified by clicking on "Edit" link. The verification template can also be deleted using "Delete" link.
The "Verify" link provides you an option to test the verification template before you provide the verification functionality to your customers in your business application.
On clicking "Verify" the page will display the verification QR code which is created based on the verification template.
For testing verification you will need the matching credential in your DICE ID app. If you have not issued a credential then please refer to Credentials for steps on how to issue a credential based on a specific schema.
Once you have a credential issued in DICE ID app from the same schema that was used to create the verification template then scan the QR code. You will be prompted to submit your credentials as proof in DICE ID app on your phone.
Once proof is submitted then the verification results will be displayed after it is validated against blockchain. If the credential is revoked then the verification will not be successful. On successful verification the attribute name and value are displayed for your reference.
Last updated