Issue Credentials to New Customer

Allows you to invite and onboard one customer at a time

Credential issuance to new user / customer comprises of the following steps:

  1. Sending an invitation - This will send an email or SMS notification to your customer informing them of the steps they need to follow for getting connected.

  2. Auto-issue Credentials - An optional step is to specify the credential details which should be automatically sent to the user once they get securely connected to DICE ID platform.

Step 1 : Sending Invitation

Specify the name of the customer and the medium of communication (Email or SMS). Depending on your requirement it is advisable to select one of the modes.

  • Email : A valid email id of the customer is required. If you select the Email mode then you can have an option of specifying a custom email template via Email Template. If no email template is specified the DICE ID email template will be used by default

  • SMS: A valid 10 digit phone number with country code is required. And a label also needs to be specified.

Step 2 : Auto-Issue Credentials

If this option is selected then you will be asked to specify the Schema based on which the credential should be issued. Schema is the structure of the credential which decides which attributes will be part of the credential that gets issued to customer.

If you have not created a schema yet then please refer to Schemas section for details on how to manage schema. Once created you can navigate back to this page and select the schema from drop down.

On selecting Schema the attributes of that schema will be populated for which you need to specify the values for that particular customer. For example, you will have to specify the the Name, Skill and Date of Certification for the example schema for a schema shown below.

If the Schema selected was created for Certificate or Skill based credential then you will also have to specify the Certificate Template so that the link to the certificate is included in the credential sent to the customer. Please refer to Certificate Templates for more details.

For schema that do not require a certificate no other details are required so click OK to save these details go back to the previous screen of Onboard Customer. Click on Onboard to send the invite to customer and you should see a confirmation message and notification.

The customer list should show the latest onboard customer, which is also segregated based on the stage in which customer is:

  • All - List of customers irrespective of the current state of onboarding

  • Initiated - List of customers for which onboarding has been initiated but invite not sent yet

  • Invited - List of customers for whom an email, SMS or WhatsApp invite has been sent

  • Onboarded - List of customers who have taken action of downloading DICE ID app and scanning the QR code in email or clicking the deep link in SMS or WhatsApp to establish a secure connection with DICE ID platform.

Last updated