SDK Functionalities

Step-by-step guide on usage of cloud wallet SDK

The DICE ID SDK provides a range of functionalities, including wallet creation, issuer functionalities, and verifier functionalities, allowing developers to easily integrate and leverage the capabilities of the DICE ID system in their applications.

In the following sections, we will demonstrate the usage of these functionalities, providing step-by-step instructions on how to utilize the wallet creation, issuer functionalities, and verifier functionalities offered by the DICE ID SDK.

The flowchart illustrating the DICE ID SDK is presented in the accompanying figure.

Flowchart: DICE ID Credential Issuance and Verification

Dependencies for the SDK

Step 1: Install Node.js

Visit the official Node.js website ( and download the appropriate version for your operating system.

Step 2: Clone the following repository to install DICE ID SDK:

git clone

Step 3: Go to DICE SDK Project folder and run the below command:

npm install

Step 4: Deploy diceidsdk

To use the DICE ID SDK in your project, you need to install the diceidsdk package from NPM. Run the following command in your samples project directory:

npm install diceidsdk-1.0.0.tgz

Step 5: Importing the SDK

To use the DICE ID SDK in your JavaScript code, you need to import the diceidsdk module:

const diceidsdk = require('diceidsdk');

List of functionalities

DICE ID SDK provides functionality related to Cloud wallet, Issuer and the Verifier.

  1. DICE ID Cloud wallet: To utilize the cloud wallet functionality, include diceidsdk.cloudwallet in your code, as the end user is the owner of the cloud wallet.

Different functions provided by the cloud wallet SDK are:

  • createWallet

  • receiveInvitation

  • getConnectionState

  • getConnections

  • getCredentials

  1. DICE ID issuer: The Issuer functionality within the SDK is primarily designed to facilitate the issuance of credentials to end users. To utilize DICE ID Issuer functionality, include diceidsdk.issuer in your code.

Different functions provided by the Issuer SDK are:

  • createConnectionInvitation

  • sendCredOffer

  • createSchema

  • getCredDefs

  1. DICE ID Verifier: The Verifier functionality within the SDK is primarily utilized to verify the credentials of end users. To utilize DICE ID Verifier functionality, include diceidsdk.verifier in your code.

Different functions provided bu the Verifier SDK are:

  • createConnectionInvitation

  • createVerificationTemplate

  • sendPresentationRequest

  • getPresentationState

DICE ID SDK Functionalities

The DICE ID sequence diagram illustrates the various SDK functionalities, capturing the flow of actions and interactions between different components involved, as depicted in the accompanying figure.

Sequence diagram to illustrate various SDK functionalities

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