Credential Verification from DICE ID console

Step by step guide on how to setup verification template for credentials issued by your or any of the onboarded organizations in DICE ID ecosystem

DICE ID platform provide ability to issue and verify credentials. Once the credentials have been issued to an individual that represents their identity or capability then the user will need a way to present that credential as a proof.

This tutorial is for organizations who want to enable verification functionality and test it before adding it to their business application

The steps required to add verification functionality can be summarized as:

  1. Sign up to the DICE ID portal (

  2. Create a Schema from DICE ID portal and issue a credential for testing

  3. Get the test credentials in DICE ID app

  4. Create a verification template based on that schema from DICE ID console

  5. Scan the QR code corresponding to the verification template using credentials in DICE ID app (from step 2 and 3)

Given below is the detailed step-by-step guide.

1. Sign-up an Sign-in to DICE ID Platform Console

Open in your browser and complete the signup and sign-in steps as described in Platform Console

2. Create Sample Schema

After signing up and signing in to DICE ID platform console UI, you can navigate to the Schema screen from the left hand menu.

Click on "Add Schema" and specify the name, version and attributes of the Schema

On clicking "Create Schema" you will get a confirmation and schema will be visible on the next screen.

3. Get Credentials

Navigate to Credentials screen from the left menu and click on "Onboard Customers".

In Onboard Customer screen specify your name and select the Auto Issue credentials option. You will get a screen that requires selection of the Schema based on which credentials need to be created and sent.

Select the Schema created in previous step from the drop down and enter valid values for Name, Email and Phone.

Click OK to save these values to go back to previous screen and specify the email on which the credential invitation should be sent.

On clicking Onboard an email will sent to the specified email id. To get your sample credentials:

  • Download DICE ID app from google play store or apple app store

  • Open the app, accept terms and conditions and change the Network in Settings page to DICE ID Testnet

  • Scan the QR code received in the email from and wait for processing to complete to obtain the credentials in DICE ID app

4. Create Verification Template

Navigate to the "Verifications Templates" page via the left hand menu

Click on "Add Verification Templates" to open the screen for creating new template in which you need to specify the following:

  • Name of the verification template

  • Version of the verification template

  • Notification Email, which will be your organization's email on which the verification result should be sent.

  • Redirect URIs - one or more fully qualified and valid URLs which needs to be whitelisted so that the verification flow can be redirected and results be rendered. E.g. http://localhost:3000/verification-callback.html

  • CORS List - one or more URLs which point to the server and port on which the callback html is hosted e.g. http://localhost:3000

The schema attributes get pre-selected for the verification template. On clicking "Create Verification Template" button at the end of the page the template gets created.

The name of the attributes in Schema and Verification Template should match always. The Verification template can contain a subset of the attributes in Schema.

5. Scan QR code to test verification

Navigate to the verification template details by clicking on the template name that you created in previous step. You will see the detailed screen of the verification template.

Verification Link is a ready-to-user URL which provide the verification QR code corresponding to this verification template. This link can be shared on your website as-is so that your users / customers can scan and submit matching credentials as proof. The verification result will be emailed to your "Notification Email" setup for this template.

Click on Verify link on top right hand corner of the page which will render the verification QR code corresponding to this template.

For testing verification, open your DICE ID app and scan the QR code for which you will be prompted to submit the proof.

Once submitted the proof will be validated against blockchain and confirmation message will be displayed on the web page. This message is based on the data extracted from JWT token that is generated after the proof is verified and contains the credential data.

Once you have tested the verification functionality in DICE ID console then the next step will be to add the same verification QR code to your business application. Please refer to Credential Verification using QR code for detailed steps.

Last updated