
Step-wise guide to manage credentials for your end users / customers

Credentials management is one of the most important activities on DICE ID platform. Credential can represent who an individual is or what they are capable of.

The Credentials Overview page provides the counts of credentials issued, verified or revoked with the ability to issue credential to an onboarded user / customer or new user.

Click on "Issue Credentials to Existing Customers" to navigate to screen for issuing credentials manually to an onboarded user / customer which has an "Offer Credential" option.

On clicking "Offer Credential" you can select the schema based on which the credentials need to be sent to the onboarded customer / user. The attributes of the schema will be automatically displayed in which values have to be specified.

If the schema is required to contain a certificate with "Cred_URL" attribute then the certificate template also needs to be specified to offer the credential to the user.

One of the mandatory attributes in a schema is "dice_display_name" which can be used to provide a user friendly name to the credential. By default the value of this attribute will be same schema name

After entering all the mandatory attributes click on "Offer Credential" button. This action will send the credential offer to the user on their DICE ID app installed on their phone.

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